Please feel free to contact individual coordinator for upcoming commemoration date and location.
Ayida Wedo Drummers Society present: the Georgetown Middle Passage Remembrance Program, Georgetown SC, June 10, 2017
Contact information:
Leon Jackson, President, 843-546-7555 or
Narrative Description of Program & Philosophy:
Georgetown, S.C. has a very historical significance for this tribute. It was the recipient of many thousands of enslaved Africans who would help to build this city, its infrastructure, the surrounding plantations and put Georgetown on the world stage as a major rice producer.
On March 25th of this year, United Nation Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon acknowledged that, “the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade was one of the most horrific tragedies of modern history.” On that day, the United Nations unveiled a permanent memorial in New York City dedicated to victims of slavery and of the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade, called “ Ark of Return “.
The Georgetown, S.C. program is in line with the work of the United Nations, The Gullah -Geechie Corridor and Conscious, Educated People all over the world in striving to elevate quality of life, education, economic vitality and stopping the violence in our communities.
Middle Passage Tributes will occur simultaneously in Charleston, Brooklyn, Miami, San Francisco, Oakland, New York, U.S. Virgin Islands, Panama, Brazil, and Ghana.
Georgetown is an important part of this dignified world community.
There will be drumming by Egbe Kilimanjaro African and Caribbean Drum and Dance. Lecture by Mr. Andrew Rodriguez will define the Middle Passage, The Gullah Geechie Connection and talk about Georgetown’s Joseph Rainey, America’s first African American Congressman. At 12 noon, Libations will be deposited into the Sampit River and bodies of water worldwide. Libations may consist of flowers, fruits, honey or molasses. No alcoholic beverages Please.
After our Libation, the Ayida Wedo Drummers Society, Inc. and community will Celebrate An Elder, Mrs. Vermell (Bunny) Rodriguez, Educator, Activist, Mother, The curator of the Gullah Museum will be highlighted, glorified, and “Pinned” for her long term, dedicated work for the advancement of our community. Bring some LOVE.
We want to honor the ancestors. We want to give the youth and the elders an opportunity to celebrate the legacy of those unnamed, enslaved Africans who died during the Middle Passage. By playing a role in such an important and historic day, we understand how we can better treat self, family and make better choices in our community. We will use history to create a positive energy for dignity, education, cultural exchange and growth.
Please feel free to join us in our Tribute of Dignity, Education, and Respect.